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Shipping and Returns


UK standard Delivery


  • Orders will be despatched within 3 working days (unless otherwise stated on the product pages)

  • Delivery service can take between 3-5 working days

  • We’ll email you a confirmation once your order has been shipped from our warehouse.

  • A signature may be required on receipt unless a specific delivery instruction has been left for the carrier


We aim to meet these delivery times but during busy periods deliveries may take a little longer. PudBoat cannot be held liable for any parcels that are lost or stolen as a result of any specific delivery instructions left for the carrier.


European and International Delivery


We offer deliveries outside the UK to Europe and internationally. To receive the best rate for delivery outside the UK, please use our contact form or email us on




We're happy to accept returns should the item not suit or is faulty in anyway. Please note that all exchanges and replacements are subject to stock availability.


If you would like to return an order, please contact our team within 14 days before returning any orders. As unapproved returns will be rejected. 

We can only accept the return of unwanted items in within this time frame in the exact condition received and in the original packaging. We do not cover return courier costs of unwanted items. 


After we receive your item, our team will inspect it and process your refund. The money will be refunded to the original payment method you’ve used during the purchase. For credit/debit card payments it may take 5 to 10 business days for a refund to show up on your credit card statement.


If the product is damaged in any way, or you have initiated the return after 14 calendar days have passed, you will not be eligible for a refund.


Any return is subject to the following conditions; 


  • All items must be returned along with a copy of the original order confirmation 

  • The product must be unused and in its original packaging. In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we may have to send it back to you.

  • You will receive a full refund of the price paid.

  • The goods are yours until they reach our warehouse, so make sure it’s packed up properly and can’t get damaged on the way!

  • We recommend you obtain proof of postage.


What if I have received a faulty product?


We hope you’ll love our PudBoat as much as we do, however, in the unlikely event your product has a fault please contact our team within 14 days before returning any orders.


Please email us with images of the fault and we will be able to advise you further. Our email address is
A refund for the original price paid or an exchange will be offered in the event that a manufacturing fault is identified.

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